Stowe Mountain Resort and Mt. Mansfield Academy Unveil an Expansion of their Partnership to Boost Ski Racing Excellence

We are thrilled to announce a new partnership with Stowe Mountain Resort that will significantly improve the snow making infrastructure on Main Street, allowing us to start making snow earlier. Our goal is to start making snow on Main Street in November. 

Learn more about this exciting partnership here.
We know how important it is to have quality time on snow and we also know how challenging it has been to achieve in recent years due to weather conditions and operating limitations. Thanks to this partnership, the latest technology, and our own investment (fundraising is ongoing), we will be able to change that! The work will be commencing shortly on additional pumps that will be installed on Main Street Race Venue.

This partnership is not new. In fact, Stowe Mountain Resort has been supporting MMA since 2004, when they widened, homologated, and upgraded Main Street and installed a high-speed quad. They have also generously given us exclusive rights to the venue. We are very grateful to Stowe Mountain Resort for their long-standing support and collaboration.

The ambition of the Mt. Mansfield Academy is to provide the support and direction necessary for each young person to achieve their personal potential, goals and dreams.