Summer Dryland

Stowe, Vermont

June  10 – August 23, 2024

MMA provides in-person dryland training 5-days a week for U16+ students (2 days per week for U14 students) on the MMA campus to build strength, fitness, and athletic literacy. Additionally a variety of outdoor activities will capitalize on our many local resources building our cardiovascular base. Activities include road biking, mountain biking, running, hiking, and team sports. Remote programming via XPS is available 24/7/365 to all MMA athletes so you’ll never miss a training session.

General physical preparation will start our summer training. Beginning with steady state low intensity cardiovascular exercise focus will be placed on learning proper movement mechanics, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and setting effective personal goals for the summer training period. Moving on to general strength the focus will be to gain muscle mass and build on foundational movements. The time spent under tension will increase in late July and early August to mimic the muscular demands of skiing as our focus transitions to sport specific training including plyometric and agility exercises. As this training period progresses from late summer and into the fall, the training load will increase to high intensity intervals to build speed and power.

Physical testing will be completed in August establishing a baseline level of fitness according to US Ski & Snowboard Skills Quest protocols.  A second round of physical testing will be completed in October to be compared to earlier test results.

Summer Dryland Schedule: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 10:30
M/W/F Strength T/Th Cardio
U14 T/Th Strength

NOTE: Dryland will not take place on campus during training camps. Remote workouts will be available.

Email Ben Blakely for more information and registration.